| 109010 Bedrock (± soil) terrain undiff |
| 103212 Cliff (>5m) undiff |
| 103213 Cliffs (>5m) with colluvium undiff |
| 103112 Low cliff (<5m) undiff |
| 102010 Sloping bedrock (undiff) terrain (± soil) |
| 101010 Bedrock (undiff) platform (± soil) |
| 119020 Hard bedrock (± soil) terrain |
| 113222 Hard bedrock cliffs (>5m) |
| 113223 Hard bedrock cliffs (>5m) with colluvium |
| 113122 Low hard bedrock cliffs (<5m) |
| 112020 Hard sloping bedrock terrain (± soil) |
| 111020 Hard bedrock platform (± soil) |
| 129030 Soft ‘bedrock’ (± soil) terrain |
| 123232 Soft ‘bedrock’ cliffs (>5m) |
| 123233 Soft ‘bedrock cliffs’ (>5m) with colluvium |
| 123132 Low soft ‘bedrock’ cliffs (<5m) |
| 122030 Sloping soft ‘bedrock’ terrain (± soil) |
| 121030 Soft ‘bedrock’ platform (± soil) |
| 109041 Lime-cemented coastal sands undiff |
| 209090 Sediment deposits undiff |
| 219090 Sediment deposits undiff on bedrock above SL |
| 229090 Sediment deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 201090 Sediment plain undiff |
| 221090 Sediment plain to below sea level |
| 209016 Alluvial sediment undiff |
| 219016 Alluvial sediment undiff over bedrock above SL |
| 229016 Alluvial sediment undiff to below sea level |
| 201016 Alluvial sediment (undiff) plain |
| 221016 Alluvial sediment (undiff) plain to below SL |
| 209026 Swampy alluvial sediment (undiff) |
| 229026 Swampy alluvial sediment (undiff) to below SL |
| 201026 Swampy alluvial sediment (undiff) plain |
| 221026 Swampy alluvial sediment plain to below SL |
| 221010 Sediment plain undiff to below sea level |
| 221110 Sediment flats to below sea level (no dunes) |
| 209020 Marshy sediment deposits undiff |
| 229020 Marshy sediment deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 201020 Marshy sediment flats undiff |
| 221020 Marshy sediment flats undiff to below sea level |
| 201014 Saltpans or saline flats on sediment undiff |
| 221014 Saline sediment flats to below sea level |
| 201015 Saline sediment flats (minor saltmarsh) |
| 221015 Saline sed flats (minor saltmarsh) to below SL |
| 201024 Marshy saline sediment flats |
| 201025 Marshy saline sediment flats inferred (saltmarsh) |
| 221025 Marshy saline sed flats to below SL (saltmarsh) |
| 221024 Marshy saline sediment flats to below sea level |
| 221030 Lagoons on sediment plain to below sea level |
| 201034 Saline evaporitic lagoonal sediment flats |
| 201035 Lagoons & inferred marshy saline sediment flats |
| 221034 Saline evaporitic lagoonal sed flats to below SL |
| 221035 Lagoons & inf. marshy saline sed flats to below SL |
| 319090 Boulder deposits undiff |
| 379090 Boulder deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 329011 Stony cobble deposits |
| 319020 Boulder beach ridges |
| 379020 Boulder beach ridge deposits to below sea level |
| 309021 Cobble-boulder beach ridges |
| 329023 Shelly beach ridges |
| 389023 Shelly beach ridges on sediment to below sea level |
| 329012 Coralline gravel deposits |
| 389012 Coralline gravel deposits to below sea level |
| 309030 Colluvium undiff (± soil) |
| 339030 Colluvium undiff (± soil) on bedrock |
| 369030 Colluvium undiff (± soil) to below sea level |
| 309031 Colluvium (bare, little soil) |
| 309032 Colluvium with significant soil development |
| 369032 Colluvium with soil, to below sea level |
| 349030 Bouldery colluvium on bedrock |
| 309040 Residual rock debris deposits |
| 369040 Residual rock debris deposits to below sea level |
| 409090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff |
| 439090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff on bedrock |
| 469090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff to below sea level |
| 409051 Cheniers (gravelly sand) undiff |
| 469051 Chenier (gravelly sand) deposits to below SL |
| 429016 Alluvial sand and gravel deposits undiff |
| 509090 Sand deposits undiff |
| 539090 Sand deposits undiff on bedrock above sea level |
| 569090 Sand deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 509017 Peaty sand deposits undiff |
| 569017 Peaty sand deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 501090 Sand plain undiff |
| 561090 Sand plain undiff to below sea level |
| 501111 Sand plain (no dunes, well drained) |
| 561111 Sand plain to below SL (no dunes, well drained) |
| 509020 Marshy sand deposits |
| 569020 Marshy sand deposits to below sea level |
| 509027 Marshy peaty sand deposits |
| 569027 Marshy peaty sand deposits to below sea level |
| 501120 Marshy sand plain (no dunes) |
| 561120 Marshy sand plain to below SL (no dunes) |
| 509016 Sandy alluvium undiff |
| 539016 Sandy alluvium on bedrock above sea level |
| 569016 Sandy alluvium undiff to below sea level |
| 501016 Sandy alluvial plains |
| 561016 Sandy alluvial plains to below sea level |
| 509040 Windblown sand, dunes or beach ridges undiff |
| 569040 Windblown sand, dunes or beach ridges to below SL |
| 509042 Dune undiff |
| 539042 Dune undiff on bedrock above sea level |
| 569042 Dune undiff on sand to below sea level |
| 504142 Foredune undiff |
| 534142 Foredune on bedrock above sea level |
| 564142 Foredune on sand to below sea level |
| 509044 Dune field undiff |
| 539044 Dune field on bedrock above sea level |
| 569044 Dune field undiff on sand to below sea level |
| 501044 Dune field plain |
| 561044 Dune field plain on sand to below sea level |
| 509046 Parabolic dune field undiff |
| 539046 Parabolic dune field on bedrock above sea level |
| 569046 Parabolic dune field on sand to below SL |
| 509047 Dune field undiff with marshy swales |
| 509043 Dune field or beach ridges undiff |
| 539043 Dune field or beach ridges undiff on bedrock |
| 569043 Dune field or beach ridges undiff to below SL |
| 561043 Dune or beach ridge plain; sand to below sea level |
| 509045 Beach ridges undiff |
| 539045 Beach ridges on bedrock above sea level |
| 569045 Beach ridges on sand to below sea level |
| 501045 Beach ridge plain |
| 561045 Beach ridge plain to below sea level |
| 509041 Aeolian sand-sheets, depth uncertain |
| 539041 Aeolian sand-sheets on bedrock above sea level |
| 569041 Aeolian sand-sheets on sediment to below sea level |
| 561030 Lagoon on sandy deposits to below sea level |
| 501051 Chenier plain (sand) |
| 561051 Chenier plain (sand) to below sea level |
| 609090 Muddy sediments undiff |
| 669090 Muddy sediments undiff to below sea level |
| 601090 Muddy sediment flats undiff |
| 661090 Muddy sediment flats to below sea level |
| 601020 Marshy muddy sediment flats undiff |
| 661020 Marshy muddy sediment flats to below sea level |
| 609016 Muddy alluvium undiff |
| 669016 Muddy alluvium undiff to below sea level |
| 619016 Pebbly mud alluvium |
| 601016 Muddy alluvial plain |
| 661016 Muddy alluvial plain to below sea level |
| 601026 Marshy alluvial mud flats |
| 661026 Marshy alluvial mud flats to below sea level |
| 609017 Peaty mud deposits undiff |
| 669017 Peaty mud deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 609027 Marshy peaty mud deposits |
| 669027 Marshy peaty mud deposits to below SL |
| 601027 Marshy peaty mud plain deposits |
| 661027 Marshy peaty mud plain deposits to below SL |
| 601014 Saltpans or saline mudflats |
| 631014 Saltpans or saline mudflats on bedrock above SL |
| 661014 Saltpans or saline mudflats to below sea level |
| 601015 Saline mud flats (minor saltmarsh) undiff |
| 661015 Saline mud flats (minor saltmarsh) to to below SL |
| 601024 Saltpans or saline mud flats with saltmarsh |
| 661024 Saline mud flats with saltmarsh to below SL |
| 601034 Saline flats on lagoonal muds |
| 661034 Saline flats on lagoonal muds to below SL |
| 609051 Muddy cheniers |
| 669051 Muddy cheniers to below sea level |
| 719010 Coral reef structures undiff |
| 809090 Artificial structure undiff |
| 809020 Artificial seawall, type unspecified |
| 849010 Reclaimed land (artificial fill) |
| 819090 Impermeable artificial structure |
| 813020 Vertical seawall |
| 813051 Piles (Jetty) |
| 813063 Vertical concrete structure |
| 819040 Wharf (hard structure) |
| 849090 Permeable artificial structure (e.g., riprap) |
| 849021 Boulder wall |
| 849031 Boulder groyne |
| 859070 Artificial excavations |
| 869010 Artificial sediment deposits |
| 861061 Salt evaporation ponds |
| 909090 Unclassified |
| 909030 Lagoons undiff on unclassified substrate |
| 109010 Bedrock (± soil) terrain undiff |
| 103212 Cliff (>5m) undiff |
| 103213 Cliffs (>5m) with colluvium undiff |
| 103112 Low cliff (<5m) undiff |
| 102010 Sloping bedrock (undiff) terrain (± soil) |
| 101010 Bedrock (undiff) platform (± soil) |
| 119020 Hard bedrock (± soil) terrain |
| 113222 Hard bedrock cliffs (>5m) |
| 113223 Hard bedrock cliffs (>5m) with colluvium |
| 113122 Low hard bedrock cliffs (<5m) |
| 112020 Hard sloping bedrock terrain (± soil) |
| 111020 Hard bedrock platform (± soil) |
| 129030 Soft ‘bedrock’ (± soil) terrain |
| 123232 Soft ‘bedrock’ cliffs (>5m) |
| 123233 Soft ‘bedrock cliffs’ (>5m) with colluvium |
| 123132 Low soft ‘bedrock’ cliffs (<5m) |
| 122030 Sloping soft ‘bedrock’ terrain (± soil) |
| 121030 Soft ‘bedrock’ platform (± soil) |
| 109041 Lime-cemented coastal sands undiff |
| 209090 Sediment deposits undiff |
| 219090 Sediment deposits undiff on bedrock above SL |
| 229090 Sediment deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 201090 Sediment plain undiff |
| 221090 Sediment plain to below sea level |
| 209016 Alluvial sediment undiff |
| 219016 Alluvial sediment undiff over bedrock above SL |
| 229016 Alluvial sediment undiff to below sea level |
| 201016 Alluvial sediment (undiff) plain |
| 221016 Alluvial sediment (undiff) plain to below SL |
| 209026 Swampy alluvial sediment (undiff) |
| 229026 Swampy alluvial sediment (undiff) to below SL |
| 201026 Swampy alluvial sediment (undiff) plain |
| 221026 Swampy alluvial sediment plain to below SL |
| 221010 Sediment plain undiff to below sea level |
| 221110 Sediment flats to below sea level (no dunes) |
| 209020 Marshy sediment deposits undiff |
| 229020 Marshy sediment deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 201020 Marshy sediment flats undiff |
| 221020 Marshy sediment flats undiff to below sea level |
| 201014 Saltpans or saline flats on sediment undiff |
| 221014 Saline sediment flats to below sea level |
| 201015 Saline sediment flats (minor saltmarsh) |
| 221015 Saline sed flats (minor saltmarsh) to below SL |
| 201024 Marshy saline sediment flats |
| 201025 Marshy saline sediment flats inferred (saltmarsh) |
| 221025 Marshy saline sed flats to below SL (saltmarsh) |
| 221024 Marshy saline sediment flats to below sea level |
| 221030 Lagoons on sediment plain to below sea level |
| 201034 Saline evaporitic lagoonal sediment flats |
| 201035 Lagoons & inferred marshy saline sediment flats |
| 221034 Saline evaporitic lagoonal sed flats to below SL |
| 221035 Lagoons & inf. marshy saline sed flats to below SL |
| 319090 Boulder deposits undiff |
| 379090 Boulder deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 329011 Stony cobble deposits |
| 319020 Boulder beach ridges |
| 379020 Boulder beach ridge deposits to below sea level |
| 309021 Cobble-boulder beach ridges |
| 329023 Shelly beach ridges |
| 389023 Shelly beach ridges on sediment to below sea level |
| 329012 Coralline gravel deposits |
| 389012 Coralline gravel deposits to below sea level |
| 309030 Colluvium undiff (± soil) |
| 339030 Colluvium undiff (± soil) on bedrock |
| 369030 Colluvium undiff (± soil) to below sea level |
| 309031 Colluvium (bare, little soil) |
| 309032 Colluvium with significant soil development |
| 369032 Colluvium with soil, to below sea level |
| 349030 Bouldery colluvium on bedrock |
| 309040 Residual rock debris deposits |
| 369040 Residual rock debris deposits to below sea level |
| 409090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff |
| 439090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff on bedrock |
| 469090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff to below sea level |
| 409051 Cheniers (gravelly sand) undiff |
| 469051 Chenier (gravelly sand) deposits to below SL |
| 429016 Alluvial sand and gravel deposits undiff |
| 509090 Sand deposits undiff |
| 539090 Sand deposits undiff on bedrock above sea level |
| 569090 Sand deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 509017 Peaty sand deposits undiff |
| 569017 Peaty sand deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 501090 Sand plain undiff |
| 561090 Sand plain undiff to below sea level |
| 501111 Sand plain (no dunes, well drained) |
| 561111 Sand plain to below SL (no dunes, well drained) |
| 509020 Marshy sand deposits |
| 569020 Marshy sand deposits to below sea level |
| 509027 Marshy peaty sand deposits |
| 569027 Marshy peaty sand deposits to below sea level |
| 501120 Marshy sand plain (no dunes) |
| 561120 Marshy sand plain to below SL (no dunes) |
| 509016 Sandy alluvium undiff |
| 539016 Sandy alluvium on bedrock above sea level |
| 569016 Sandy alluvium undiff to below sea level |
| 501016 Sandy alluvial plains |
| 561016 Sandy alluvial plains to below sea level |
| 509040 Windblown sand, dunes or beach ridges undiff |
| 569040 Windblown sand, dunes or beach ridges to below SL |
| 509042 Dune undiff |
| 539042 Dune undiff on bedrock above sea level |
| 569042 Dune undiff on sand to below sea level |
| 504142 Foredune undiff |
| 534142 Foredune on bedrock above sea level |
| 564142 Foredune on sand to below sea level |
| 509044 Dune field undiff |
| 539044 Dune field on bedrock above sea level |
| 569044 Dune field undiff on sand to below sea level |
| 501044 Dune field plain |
| 561044 Dune field plain on sand to below sea level |
| 509046 Parabolic dune field undiff |
| 539046 Parabolic dune field on bedrock above sea level |
| 569046 Parabolic dune field on sand to below SL |
| 509047 Dune field undiff with marshy swales |
| 509043 Dune field or beach ridges undiff |
| 539043 Dune field or beach ridges undiff on bedrock |
| 569043 Dune field or beach ridges undiff to below SL |
| 561043 Dune or beach ridge plain; sand to below sea level |
| 509045 Beach ridges undiff |
| 539045 Beach ridges on bedrock above sea level |
| 569045 Beach ridges on sand to below sea level |
| 501045 Beach ridge plain |
| 561045 Beach ridge plain to below sea level |
| 509041 Aeolian sand-sheets, depth uncertain |
| 539041 Aeolian sand-sheets on bedrock above sea level |
| 569041 Aeolian sand-sheets on sediment to below sea level |
| 561030 Lagoon on sandy deposits to below sea level |
| 501051 Chenier plain (sand) |
| 561051 Chenier plain (sand) to below sea level |
| 609090 Muddy sediments undiff |
| 669090 Muddy sediments undiff to below sea level |
| 601090 Muddy sediment flats undiff |
| 661090 Muddy sediment flats to below sea level |
| 601020 Marshy muddy sediment flats undiff |
| 661020 Marshy muddy sediment flats to below sea level |
| 609016 Muddy alluvium undiff |
| 669016 Muddy alluvium undiff to below sea level |
| 619016 Pebbly mud alluvium |
| 601016 Muddy alluvial plain |
| 661016 Muddy alluvial plain to below sea level |
| 601026 Marshy alluvial mud flats |
| 661026 Marshy alluvial mud flats to below sea level |
| 609017 Peaty mud deposits undiff |
| 669017 Peaty mud deposits undiff to below sea level |
| 609027 Marshy peaty mud deposits |
| 669027 Marshy peaty mud deposits to below SL |
| 601027 Marshy peaty mud plain deposits |
| 661027 Marshy peaty mud plain deposits to below SL |
| 601014 Saltpans or saline mudflats |
| 631014 Saltpans or saline mudflats on bedrock above SL |
| 661014 Saltpans or saline mudflats to below sea level |
| 601015 Saline mud flats (minor saltmarsh) undiff |
| 661015 Saline mud flats (minor saltmarsh) to below SL |
| 601024 Saltpans or saline mud flats with saltmarsh |
| 661024 Saline mud flats with saltmarsh to below SL |
| 601034 Saline flats on lagoonal muds |
| 661034 Saline flats on lagoonal muds to below SL |
| 609051 Muddy cheniers |
| 669051 Muddy cheniers to below sea level |
| 719010 Coral reef structures undiff |
| 809090 Artificial structure undiff |
| 809020 Artificial seawall, type unspecified |
| 849010 Reclaimed land (artificial fill) |
| 819090 Impermeable artificial structure |
| 813020 Vertical seawall |
| 813051 Piles (Jetty) |
| 813063 Vertical concrete structure |
| 819040 Wharf (hard structure) |
| 849090 Permeable artificial structure (e.g., rip-rap) |
| 849021 Boulder wall |
| 849031 Boulder groyne |
| 859070 Artificial excavations |
| 869010 Artificial sediment deposits |
| 861061 Salt evaporation ponds |
| 909090 Unclassified |
| 909030 Lagoons undiff on unclassified substrate |
| 109010 Rocky shore (undiff) |
| 101010 Rocky shore platform (undiff) |
| 102010 Sloping rocky shore (undiff) |
| 103210 Cliff (>5m) (undiff) |
| 105010 Bedrock (undiff) outcrops protruding |
| 119091 Hard bedrock shore inferred |
| 119020 Hard bedrock shore |
| 111020 Hard rocky shore platform |
| 112020 Sloping hard rock shore |
| 113220 Hard rock cliff (>5m) |
| 115020 Hard bedrock outcrops protruding |
| 129091 Soft ‘bedrock’ shore inferred |
| 129030 Soft ‘bedrock’ shore |
| 121030 Soft ‘bedrock’ shore platform |
| 122030 Sloping soft ‘bedrock’ shore |
| 123230 Soft ‘bedrock’ cliff (>5m) |
| 125030 Soft ‘bedrock’ outcrops protruding |
| 122049 Sloping coffee rock deposit |
| 121049 Coffee rock platform |
| 109050 Beachrock undiff |
| 105450 Beachrock undiff dominant |
| 105150 Beachrock undiff patchy, subordinate |
| 209090 Soft sediment shore (undiff) |
| 209011 Beach (sediment type undiff) |
| 201020 Tidal flats (sediment undiff) |
| 201021 Tidal sediment flats (inferred from mangroves) |
| 201023 Tidal flats (sediment undiff), bedrock protruding |
| 309090 Boulder or shingle-grade shore undiff |
| 309010 Boulder or shingle-grade beach undiff |
| 312050 Sloping boulder deposit (rock) undiff |
| 311050 Flat boulder deposit (rock) undiff |
| 381050 Flat pebble/cobble deposit (rock) undiff |
| 319011 Boulder (rock) beach |
| 359011 Boulder/cobble (rock) beach |
| 369011 Cobble (rock) beach |
| 389011 Pebble/cobble (rock shingle) beach |
| 389012 Coral shingle beach |
| 399011 Pebble beach |
| 309013 Shelly beach undiff |
| 309030 Colluvium (talus) undiff |
| 312230 Steep boulder talus |
| 319030 Boulder talus |
| 349042 Cobble/boulder shore (rounded residual clasts) |
| 356040 Bedrock breakdown debris (cobbles/boulders) |
| 409090 Mixed sandy shore undiff |
| 409018 Mixed sand beach |
| 401019 Mixed sand tidal flats undiff |
| 401014 Sandy tidal flats with coarse stony debris |
| 409013 Mixed sand and shell beach |
| 419011 Mixed sandy and boulder beach (rock) |
| 459011 Sandy beach with cobbles/boulders (rock) |
| 469011 Mixed sandy and cobble beach (rock) |
| 489011 Sandy beach with cobbles/pebbles (rock) |
| 499011 Sandy beach with pebbles (rock) |
| 419030 Colluvial boulders on sandy beach |
| 509090 Sandy shore undiff |
| 509091 Sandy shore with protruding bedrock |
| 509010 Sandy beach undiff |
| 509012 Sandy beach, bedrock protruding |
| 505110 Subordinate sandy beach undiff (patchy) |
| 519010 Coarse sand beach |
| 519012 Coarse sand beach, bedrock protruding |
| 529010 Fine-medium sand beach |
| 529012 Fine-medium sand beach, bedrock protruding |
| 509011 Perched sandy beach (undiff) |
| 501020 Sandy tidal flats |
| 501022 Sandy tidal flats, no bedrock protruding |
| 501024 Sandy tidal flats with protruding bedrock |
| 521020 Fine-medium sandy tidal flats |
| 501023 Sandy tidal flats inferred from ‘shallow’ seagrass |
| 609090 Muddy shore undiff |
| 699090 Sandy-mud shore undiff |
| 609011 Narrow muddy shore (vegetation-bound soil) |
| 601020 Muddy tidal flats |
| 601023 Muddy tidal flats with protruding bedrock |
| 691020 Sandy-mud tidal flats |
| 691023 Sandy-mud tidal flats with protruding bedrock |
| 745323 Wrack deposits (extensive and persistent) |
| 809090 Artificial shoreline undiff |
| 809030 Groyne undiff |
| 819090 Impermeable artificial shoreline |
| 813020 Vertical seawall |
| 813040 Wharf (hard vertical structure) |
| 813062 Vertical concrete structure |
| 813051 Piles (Jetty) |
| 822032 Concrete & boulder groyne |
| 829022 Concrete sea wall |
| 823040 Concrete dock structures |
| 829044 Concrete & boulder dock structures |
| 822042 Concrete boat ramp |
| 834065 Boardwalk |
| 849090 Permeable artificial shoreline |
| 849061 Artificial boulder structures undiff |
| 849021 Boulder seawall |
| 842021 Boulder revetment |
| 849036 Boulder groyne or breakwater undiff |
| 909090 Unclassified |
| 109010 Rocky shore (undiff) |
| 101010 Rocky shore platform (undiff) |
| 102010 Sloping rocky shore (undiff) |
| 103210 Cliff (>5m) (undiff) |
| 105010 Bedrock (undiff) outcrops protruding |
| 119091 Hard bedrock shore inferred |
| 119020 Hard bedrock shore |
| 111020 Hard rocky shore platform |
| 112020 Sloping hard rock shore |
| 113220 Hard rock cliff (>5m) |
| 115020 Hard bedrock outcrops protruding |
| 129091 Soft ‘bedrock’ shore inferred |
| 129030 Soft ‘bedrock’ shore |
| 121030 Soft ‘bedrock’ shore platform |
| 122030 Sloping soft ‘bedrock’ shore |
| 123230 Soft ‘bedrock’ cliff (>5m) |
| 125030 Soft ‘bedrock’ outcrops protruding |
| 122049 Sloping coffee rock deposit |
| 121049 Coffee rock platform |
| 109050 Beachrock undiff |
| 105450 Beachrock undiff dominant |
| 105150 Beachrock undiff patchy, subordinate |
| 209090 Soft sediment shore (undiff) |
| 209011 Beach (sediment type undiff) |
| 201020 Tidal flats (sediment undiff) |
| 201021 Tidal sediment flats (inferred from mangroves) |
| 201023 Tidal flats (sediment undiff), bedrock protruding |
| 309090 Boulder or shingle-grade shore undiff |
| 309010 Boulder or shingle-grade beach undiff |
| 312050 Sloping boulder deposit (rock) undiff |
| 311050 Flat boulder deposit (rock) undiff |
| 381050 Flat pebble/cobble deposit (rock) undiff |
| 319011 Boulder (rock) beach |
| 359011 Boulder/cobble (rock) beach |
| 369011 Cobble (rock) beach |
| 389011 Pebble/cobble (rock shingle) beach |
| 389012 Coral shingle beach |
| 399011 Pebble beach |
| 309013 Shelly beach undiff |
| 309030 Colluvium (talus) undiff |
| 312230 Steep boulder talus |
| 319030 Boulder talus |
| 349042 Cobble/boulder shore (rounded residual clasts) |
| 356040 Bedrock breakdown debris (cobbles/boulders) |
| 409090 Mixed sandy shore undiff |
| 409018 Mixed sand beach |
| 401019 Mixed sand tidal flats undiff |
| 401014 Sandy tidal flats with coarse stony debris |
| 409013 Mixed sand and shell beach |
| 419011 Mixed sandy and boulder beach (rock) |
| 459011 Sandy beach with cobbles/boulders (rock) |
| 469011 Mixed sandy and cobble beach (rock) |
| 489011 Sandy beach with cobbles/pebbles (rock) |
| 499011 Sandy beach with pebbles (rock) |
| 419030 Colluvial boulders on sandy beach |
| 509090 Sandy shore undiff |
| 509091 Sandy shore with protruding bedrock |
| 509010 Sandy beach undiff |
| 509012 Sandy beach, bedrock protruding |
| 505110 Subordinate sandy beach undiff (patchy) |
| 519010 Coarse sand beach |
| 519012 Coarse sand beach, bedrock protruding |
| 529010 Fine-medium sand beach |
| 529012 Fine-medium sand beach, bedrock protruding |
| 509011 Perched sandy beach (undiff) |
| 501020 Sandy tidal flats |
| 501022 Sandy tidal flats, no bedrock protruding |
| 501024 Sandy tidal flats with protruding bedrock |
| 521020 Fine-medium sandy tidal flats |
| 501023 Sandy tidal flats inferred from ‘shallow’ seagrass |
| 609090 Muddy shore undiff |
| 699090 Sandy-mud shore undiff |
| 609011 Narrow muddy shore (vegetation-bound soil) |
| 601020 Muddy tidal flats |
| 601023 Muddy tidal flats with protruding bedrock |
| 691020 Sandy-mud tidal flats |
| 691023 Sandy-mud tidal flats with protruding bedrock |
| 745323 Wrack deposits (extensive and persistent) |
| 809090 Artificial shoreline undiff |
| 809030 Groyne undiff |
| 819090 Impermeable artificial shoreline |
| 813020 Vertical seawall |
| 813040 Wharf (hard vertical structure) |
| 813062 Vertical concrete structure |
| 813051 Piles (Jetty) |
| 822032 Concrete & boulder groyne |
| 829022 Concrete sea wall |
| 823040 Concrete dock structures |
| 829044 Concrete & boulder dock structures |
| 822042 Concrete boat ramp |
| 834065 Boardwalk |
| 849090 Permeable artificial shoreline |
| 849061 Artificial boulder structures undiff |
| 849021 Boulder seawall |
| 842021 Boulder revetment |
| 849036 Boulder groyne or breakwater undiff |
| 909090 Unclassified |
| 109010 Rocky bottom undiff |
| 102010 Sloping rocky bottom undiff |
| 101010 Rocky platform undiff |
| 119020 Hard rocky bottom |
| 129030 Soft ‘bedrock’ bottom |
| 109012 Rocky reefs undiff |
| 101012 Rocky platform reefs undiff |
| 105013 Patchy rocky reefs and exposed rocks |
| 119022 Hard rocky reefs undiff |
| 115023 Patchy hard rocky reefs and exposed rocks |
| 103010 Plunging cliffs (undiff) |
| 113020 Hard rock plunging cliff |
| 123030 Soft ‘bedrock’ plunging cliff |
| 129049 Coffee Rock |
| 209010 Sediment (undiff) bottom |
| 319090 Boulder bottom undiff |
| 309010 Boulder or shingle bottom undiff |
| 349010 Boulder & cobble bottom |
| 369010 Cobble bottom |
| 379010 Cobble & pebble bottom |
| 379014 Cobbles & pebbles (subordinate component) |
| 389010 Shingle bottom (cobbles or pebbles) |
| 309030 Subtidal talus (undiff) |
| 409090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff |
| 449010 Mixed cobbles, boulders and sand bottom |
| 479010 Mixed cobbles, pebbles and sand bottom |
| 419030 Talus boulders and sand bottom |
| 509010 Sandy bottom undiff |
| 502010 Sloping sandy bottom undiff |
| 504113 Sandy lagoon (protected) |
| 509020 Sandy bottom inferred from seagrass |
| 609010 Muddy bottom undiff |
| 719010 Fringing coral reefs undiff |
| 719013 Coral communities present |
| 809090 Artificial subtidal structures undiff |
| 819090 Impermeable artificial subtidal structures undiff |
| 813051 Piles (jetty) |
| 849090 Permeable artificial subtidal structures undiff |
| 849021 Rock wall |
| 909090 Unclassified |
| 109010 Rocky bottom undiff |
| 102010 Sloping rocky bottom undiff |
| 101010 Rocky platform undiff |
| 119020 Hard rocky bottom |
| 129030 Soft ‘bedrock’ bottom |
| 109012 Rocky reefs undiff |
| 101012 Rocky platform reefs undiff |
| 105013 Patchy rocky reefs and exposed rocks |
| 119022 Hard rocky reefs undiff |
| 115023 Patchy hard rocky reefs and exposed rocks |
| 103010 Plunging cliffs (undiff) |
| 113020 Hard rock plunging cliff |
| 123030 Soft ‘bedrock’ plunging cliff |
| 129049 Coffee Rock |
| 209010 Sediment (undiff) bottom |
| 319090 Boulder bottom undiff |
| 309010 Boulder or shingle bottom undiff |
| 349010 Boulder & cobble bottom |
| 369010 Cobble bottom |
| 379010 Cobble & pebble bottom |
| 379014 Cobbles & pebbles (subordinate component) |
| 389010 Shingle bottom (cobbles or pebbles) |
| 309030 Subtidal talus (undiff) |
| 409090 Mixed sandy sediments undiff |
| 449010 Mixed cobbles, boulders and sand bottom |
| 479010 Mixed cobbles, pebbles and sand bottom |
| 419030 Talus boulders and sand bottom |
| 509010 Sandy bottom undiff |
| 502010 Sloping sandy bottom undiff |
| 504113 Sandy lagoon (protected) |
| 509020 Sandy bottom inferred from seagrass |
| 609010 Muddy bottom undiff |
| 719010 Fringing coral reefs undiff |
| 719013 Coral communities present |
| 809090 Artificial subtidal structures undiff |
| 819090 Impermeable artificial subtidal structures undiff |
| 813051 Piles (jetty) |
| 849090 Permeable artificial subtidal structures undiff |
| 849021 Rock wall |
| 909090 Unclassified |
| 109090 Clastic sediments undiff |
| 101020 Semi-lithified undeformed clastic sediments |
| 109026 Semi-lithified clastics with some carbonates |
| 109030 Lithified clastic rocks undiff |
| 109036 Lithified clastic undiff & some carbonate rocks |
| 119020 Soft lutites (silts, clays) undiff |
| 119030 Lutites (siltstones, mudstones) undiff |
| 111230 Siltstones & mudstones (flat-lying, faulted) |
| 119036 Lutites with subordinate carbonates |
| 119027 Soft calcareous lutites |
| 119029 Soft calcareous lutites and spongolites |
| 119037 Calcareous lutites |
| 129020 Soft sandstones & siltstones |
| 129030 Lutite / arenite sequences undiff |
| 121230 Siltstones & sandstones (flat-lying, faulted) |
| 129028 Soft spongolite (in lutite/arenite sequences) |
| 129037 Calcareous lutite/arenite sequences |
| 139020 Soft sandstones |
| 139030 Dominantly sandstones |
| 131230 Dominantly sandstones (flat-lying, faulted) |
| 139036 Sandstone with interbedded limestones |
| 149020 Semi-lithified sandstones & conglomerates |
| 149030 Sandstones & conglomerates |
| 159030 Conglomerates (well lithified) |
| 159052 Deeply weathered coarse sediments |
| 169020 Soft lutite/arenite/rudite associations |
| 169030 Lutite/arenite/rudite associations |
| 109040 Metasedimentary rocks undiff |
| 109044 Gneisses, migmatites, high grade metamorphics |
| 119042 Dominantly slates |
| 112042 Folded dominantly lutite sequences (slates) |
| 119043 Schists undiff |
| 129040 Metamorphosed lutite/arenite sequences undiff |
| 129041 Hornfelsic lutite/arenite sequences |
| 122042 Folded arenites & lutites (slate/quartzite) |
| 122043 Interbedded folded quartzites & schists |
| 129044 Schists/quartzites/gneisses |
| 139040 Quartzite undiff |
| 209030 Carbonate rocks undiff |
| 239090 Limestones undiff |
| 239020 Soft limestone undiff |
| 239030 Hard limestone undiff |
| 239036 Hard limestone with clastic interbeds |
| 241031 Aeolian calcarenite limestone |
| 251032 Coralline breccia (hard, lithified) |
| 209040 Marble (undiff) |
| 269030 Hard dolomite undiff |
| 269040 Dolomite, metamorphosed |
| 209055 Calcsilicates (metasomatised carbonates) |
| 309030 Lithified volcanics undiff |
| 319030 Lava rocks undiff |
| 329030 Basalt undiff |
| 329035 Basalt with clastic interbeds |
| 329036 Basalt with carbonate interbeds |
| 321030 Mostly undeformed basalts |
| 321052 Deeply weathered undeformed basalts |
| 329040 Metamorphosed basalts or ‘greenstones’ |
| 339030 Dominantly intermediate lavas |
| 349030 Dominantly acid lava rocks |
| 359027 Scoria, unlithified matrix |
| 359030 Dominantly pyroclastics undiff |
| 369030 Volcaniclastic sequences undiff |
| 363030 Structurally dismembered volcaniclastic sequences |
| 363052 Deeply weathered volcaniclastic sequence |
| 369040 Metamorphosed volcaniclastics |
| 369043 Amphibolites, quartzites, schist |
| 369044 Amphibolites, gneiss, schist |
| 379030 Lava & pyroclastic rocks undiff |
| 409030 Coarse/medium igneous rocks undiff |
| 419051 Serpentinite undiff |
| 413051 Serpentinised ultramafic complexes |
| 419030 Lamprophyres |
| 429030 Basic coarse/medium igneous rocks |
| 429043 Amphibolites |
| 429044 Basic granulite |
| 439030 Dolerite |
| 431230 Dolerite (faulted) |
| 439040 Dolerite, metamorphosed |
| 449030 Gabbro |
| 449040 Gabbro, metamorphosed |
| 459030 Intermediate coarse/medium igneous rocks |
| 489030 Granitoids undiff |
| 489040 Metamorphosed granitoids |
| 489044 Granite gneiss |
| 549010 Kaolinised deeply weathered rocks |
| 549011 Kaolinised deeply weathered sediments |
| 519020 Dominantly laterites/ferricretes |
| 529030 Calcrete undiff |
| 559050 Bauxite undiff |
| 619010 Coral reef structure undiff |
| 819040 Banded Iron Formation rocks |
| 829030 Dominantly chert rocks |
| 889030 Lithified hard rocks undiff |
| 893090 Melange (hard rocks) undiff |
| 909090 Unclassified |