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Legend (NM_Hydrology_and_Marine_Points)

Offshore_Rocks_and_Wrecks_Labels (0)
Lighthouses_Labels (1)
Locks_Labels (2)
Waterfalls_Labels (3)
Springs_Labels (4)
Waterholes_Labels (5)
Bores_Labels (6)
Natural_Water_Points_GnammaHoles_Labels (7)
Natural_Water_Points_NativeWells_Labels (8)
Natural_Water_Points_Pools_Labels (9)
Natural_Water_Points_Rockholes_Labels (10)
Natural_Water_Points_Soaks_Labels (11)
Dams_and_Tanks_Labels (12)
Offshore_Rocks_And_Wrecks (13)
Offshore Rocks Offshore Rocks
Wrecks Wrecks
Lighthouses (14)
Locks (15)
Waterfalls (16)
Springs (17)
Waterholes (18)
Bores (19)
Natural_Water_Points_GnammaHole (20)
Gnamma Holes Gnamma Holes
Natural_Water_Points_NativeWell (21)
Native Wells Native Wells
Natural_Water_Points_Pool (22)
Pools Pools
Natural_Water_Points_Rockhole (23)
Rockholes Rockholes
Natural_Water_Points_Soak (24)
Soaks Soaks
Dams_and_Tanks (25)
Dams and Tanks Dams and Tanks