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summary: The service contains the Australian Coastal Geomorphology Scale Guide, used to support a national coastal risk assessment.
tags: ["geomorphology","coast","coastal","beach","dune","smartline","risk","hazard","shoreline","geomorphic"]
snippet: The service contains the Australian Coastal Geomorphology Scale Guide, used to support a national coastal risk assessment.
type: Map Service
url: http://localhost.EXT.LAN:6080/arcgis/services/Geomorphology_Scale_Guide_WM/MapServer
accessInformation: © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2016. This product is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
guid: BAD252B2-BA16-49C2-8674-3D94D86B7924
title: Australian Coastal Geomorphology Scale Guide (Web Mercator)
thumbnail: thumbnail/{41137C74-DEBA-4824-9323-1221D572DADF}.png
extent: [[112.793306703442,-43.7429763799558],[153.638851651982,-10.507766997149]]
description: The service contains the Australian Coastal Geomorphology Scale Guide, used to support a national coastal risk assessment. It includes the extents of various reclassified costal mapping products. It is cached service with a Web Mercator Projection.
name: Geomorphology_Scale_Guide_WM
typeKeywords: ["Data","Service","Map Service","ArcGIS Server"]
spatialReference: WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere
culture: en-AU