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Service Description: The Vlaming Sub-Basin CO2 Storage Potential Study web service includes the datasets associated with the study in the Vlaming Sub-basin, located within the southern Perth Basin about 30 km west of Perth. The data in this web service supports the results of the Geoscience Australia Record 2015/009 and appendices. The study provides an evaluation of the CO2 geological storage potential of the Vlaming Sub-basin and was part of the Australian Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative.
Map Name: VlamingSubBasinCO2StoragePotentialStudy
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Description: The Vlaming Sub-Basin CO2 Storage Potential Study web service includes the datasets associated with the study in the Vlaming Sub-basin, located within the southern Perth Basin about 30 km west of Perth. The data in this web service supports the results of the Geoscience Australia Record 2015/009 and appendices. The study provides an evaluation of the CO2 geological storage potential of the Vlaming Sub-basin and was part of the Australian Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative.
Copyright Text: © Commonwealth of Australia (Geoscience Australia) 2024. This material is released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.
Spatial Reference:
Single Fused Map Cache: false
Initial Extent:
XMin: 114.3370018648581
YMin: -33.114533531251325
XMax: 116.20683473467098
YMax: -31.52466190156154
Spatial Reference: 4283
Full Extent:
XMin: 114.47619791329953
YMin: -33.24163587587259
XMax: 115.77714000000003
YMax: -31.120366967999928
Spatial Reference: 4283
Units: esriDecimalDegrees
Document Info:
Title: VlamingSubBasinCO2StoragePotentialStudy
Comments: The Vlaming Sub-Basin CO2 Storage Potential Study web service includes the datasets associated with the study in the Vlaming Sub-basin, located within the southern Perth Basin about 30 km west of Perth. The data in this web service supports the results of the Geoscience Australia Record 2015/009 and appendices. The study provides an evaluation of the CO2 geological storage potential of the Vlaming Sub-basin and was part of the Australian Government's National Low Emission Coal Initiative.
Subject: This web service shows key results from a comprehensive study of the CO2 storage potential in the offshore Vlaming Sub-basin of the Perth Basin that was completed in 2016.
Keywords: Australia,Web Service,National CO2 Infrastructure Plan,Vlaming Sub-Basin,Perth Basin,Offshore,CO2 Storage Potential,Carbon Capture and Storage,Carbon Dioxide
AntialiasingMode: None
TextAntialiasingMode: None
Supports Dynamic Layers: true
MaxRecordCount: 2000
MaxImageHeight: 4096
MaxImageWidth: 4096
Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF
Supports Query Data Elements: true
Min Scale: 0
Max Scale: 0
Supports Datum Transformation: true
Child Resources:
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