Description: This layer shows educational facilities grouped into: PrePrimary (Childcare Centre, Kindergarten, Primary School, PreSchool), Secondary (Secondary College, Secondary School, High School), Tertiary (Tertiary Institution), Other (Academy, Special Needs School, Primary and Secondary School, Community Education Centre, Technical College). Educational buildings have ONLY been loaded for QLD, NSW, VIC and TAS due to licensing limitations with other states.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: OPERATIONALSTATUS, length: 50
Coded Values:
[N/A: Not Applicable]
[Operational: Fully capable of operation.]
[Abandoned: Not in operation due to it being non-functional and operation is not scheduled to be restored.]
, ...5 more...
main_function: Coded Values:
[Aero Medical And Rescue Facility: Aero Medical And Rescue Facility]
[Ambulance And Fire Station: Ambulance And Fire Station]
[Ambulance Station: Ambulance Station]
, ...14 more...
ID: 120006
Name: Health and Medical buildings
main_function: Coded Values:
[Aged Care Facility: Aged Care Facility]
[Chiropractic Centre: Chiropractic Centre]
[Community Health Centre: Community Health Centre]
, ...19 more...
Description: This layer contains health and medical facilities points, including hospitals, aged care facilities, nursing homes, Indigenous health centres and disability support services. Data has been provided by the Australian Department of Health.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: OPERATIONALSTATUS, length: 50
Coded Values:
[N/A: Not Applicable]
[Operational: Fully capable of operation.]
[Abandoned: Not in operation due to it being non-functional and operation is not scheduled to be restored.]
, ...5 more...
main_function: Coded Values:
[Aero Medical And Rescue Facility: Aero Medical And Rescue Facility]
[Ambulance And Fire Station: Ambulance And Fire Station]
[Ambulance Station: Ambulance Station]
, ...14 more...
ID: 120006
Name: Health and Medical buildings
main_function: Coded Values:
[Aged Care Facility: Aged Care Facility]
[Chiropractic Centre: Chiropractic Centre]
[Community Health Centre: Community Health Centre]
, ...19 more...
Description: This layer shows Emergency Management (EM) facilitites, including police, rural and metro fire, State Emergency Service (SES), ambulance, police and other locations. Primary information was acquired from Emergency Management State and Territory agencies.
type: esriFieldTypeString, alias: OPERATIONALSTATUS, length: 50
Coded Values:
[N/A: Not Applicable]
[Operational: Fully capable of operation.]
[Abandoned: Not in operation due to it being non-functional and operation is not scheduled to be restored.]
, ...5 more...
main_function: Coded Values:
[Aero Medical And Rescue Facility: Aero Medical And Rescue Facility]
[Ambulance And Fire Station: Ambulance And Fire Station]
[Ambulance Station: Ambulance Station]
, ...14 more...
ID: 120006
Name: Health and Medical buildings
main_function: Coded Values:
[Aged Care Facility: Aged Care Facility]
[Chiropractic Centre: Chiropractic Centre]
[Community Health Centre: Community Health Centre]
, ...19 more...